No Pain, No Gain

BruiseI’ve had a fair share of injuries.

Nine broken bones, stitches, staples, sprains, etc. That’s what comes with a general attraction toward activities that seem to contain risk for personal injury. There is one benefit, though, that comes with a file that rivals Tim Taylor’s. One more and the hospital gives me a complimentary coffee cup.

No…that’s not the benefit I meant. The benefit to which I’m referring is that I’ve developed a pretty strong pain tolerance. I’ve learned to deal with higher concentrations of pain, and not allow pain to take me out of the game. Almost to a fault, actually. Continue reading

The Greatest of These Is… Hope?

Love gets a lot of attention these days. Whether it’s making sure we understand that our pets are family, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, or even trying to give Love some love, we …love… to throw around the l-word.

And why not? There’s even some scriptural support for such love-love. Paul does seem to rate the three “Christian virtues” in 1 Corinthians 13:

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. – 1 Cor. 13:13 NIV (emphasis added)

That should about settle it. Paul says that faith, hope, and love might be up there – but love is tops.

Hope, on the other hand, seems to be trending down. Continue reading